Dayton: How the World’s Greatest Intelligence Sharing Partnership Began
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS Summary 5 EYES is the world’s greatest intelligence sharing collaboration, and it began here in Dayton during World War II. Today on active duty across the […]
Dayton’s Inventions
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS Dayton’s Inventions Dayton has been home to a large number of very creative and visionary people whose ideas changed the world. This presentation shows how […]
Adena Indian Culture and the Great Mound of Miamisburg, Ohio
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS Adena Indian Culture and the Great Mound of Miamisburg, Ohio John (with the Miamisburg Historical Society) will discuss the rise of civilization from the Paleoindians […]
A History of the Mound Amateur Radio Association and an Overview of Amateur Radio
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS A History of the Mound Amateur Radio Association and an Overview of Amateur Radio The Mound Amateur Radio Association (MARA) was founded at the Mound […]
Recollections from Nearly 30 years in the Engineering Department at Mound Laboratory
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS Recollections from Nearly 30 years in the Engineering Department at Mound Laboratory After providing an overview of the missions of the Monsanto Laboratory in Dayton […]
The History of Miamisburg Beer
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS The History of Miamisburg Beer In this presentation, Mr. Gaffney will discuss his research into brewing in Miamisburg including his latest discoveries, complete with names, […]
All-Metal Automated Toepler Pump for Quantitative Gas Transfers
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS All-Metal Automated Toepler Pump for Quantitative Gas Transfers Mound Laboratory has had numerous projects that required the quantitative measurement of gases. Traditionally the gas released […]
Perspectives on the Transition of the Mound Laboratory
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS Perspectives on the Transition of Mound Laboratory After a long hiatus, Mound Lecture Series is back in-person! Recently retired Miamisburg Mayor, Richard Church, Jr. will […]
[CANCELLED] Annual Mound Dinner
The annual Mound Dinner scheduled for May 14, 2020, has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus crisis.
Radioactive Isotopes: Their Properties and Diverse Applications
MOUND MUSEUM LECTURE SERIES SPOTLIGHTS Following a brief overview of radioactivity and nuclear reactions, the conventional roles (e.g., in nuclear weapons and power generation) for radioactive materials will be described […]