Mound Business Park Today and Beyond

Event Details



This presentation provides an insightful overview of the Mound Business Park’s current status post-cleanup and its future prospects. It will delve into the various businesses currently operating within the park, highlighting their contributions to the local economy and the innovative technologies they bring. The discussion will also address the challenges faced in expanding the park, such as environmental concerns and the need for further infrastructure development. Additionally, the presentation will celebrate the significant accomplishments achieved on-site since the cleanup, including the successful remediation of contaminated areas and the establishment of new commercial spaces. This comprehensive overview aims to showcase the park’s journey from a former DoE Lab site to a thriving business hub, emphasizing the ongoing efforts to ensure its sustainable growth and development.

Speaker’s Biography

April Hauser is the dedicated Site Manager at Mound Business Park, where she plays a pivotal role in overseeing the development and operations of the park. With a strong background in real estate and property management, April has been dedicated to driving the park’s growth and ensuring its smooth functioning. She is responsible for coordinating various projects, managing tenant relations, and ensuring compliance with environmental and safety regulations.

For additional details on this presentation call 937-353-4457. The presentation is free and open to the public and has ample free parking.

Mound Cold War Discovery Center
Phone: 937-247-0402
