The Use of Isotopes in Radiological Tests and Treatments

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The Use of Isotopes in Radiological Tests and Treatments
Surgeons, neurologists, cardiologists, oncologists and others need imaging tools to “see” a problem within a patient so they can treat the problem. This talk addresses the physics behind the diagnostic imaging tools and radiological treatment devices of medicine so we as patients can better understand how they work. Tools analyzed include ultrasound, x-ray, CAT scan, MRI, organ imaging with radioisotopes and PET scans. The radiation treatment methods include external beam gamma radiation, brachytherapy, proton and other particle beam therapies. The Mound Lab connection is that many diagnostic tests and treatments use stable and radioactive isotopes first enriched at Mound. Examples of the use of isotopes from Mound and instrument developments from other DOE sites are identified.

Brief Speaker’s Biography
Dr. Robert Ellefson holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics and was employed as a research staff member and mass spectroscopist at the Mound Laboratory from 1972 until he retired as a Science Fellow in 1994. Following his Mound Lab employment, he continued to design and build mass spectrometers at INFICON, Syracuse, NY; since 2005 he has worked as a private consultant in Dayton addressing analytical methods for a variety of applications worldwide. In 2011 Bob was named by his peers a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society. He is also a board member of the Mound Science and Energy Museum Association.

Presentation will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. with login opening at 6:45 pm.


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