The Apollo Program

Event Details


THE APOLLO PROGRAM — The MOUND SCIENCE AND ENERGY MUSEUM is pleased to announce that Donald E. Willis will be our special guest speaker for our next WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRESENTATION on February 25, at 7:00 PM. Don’s topic will be the “Apollo program.” He was a NASA flight controller in Mission Control in Houston in 1968 and 1969, on the control team for Apollo Missions 6 through 12, which included the first two landings. Don will cover the Apollo mission, flight vehicles, command and control system and operations, development and testing, simulations and training, and some of the behind the scenes details of the actual missions.

Don was born and raised in rural Darke County Ohio and graduated from Greenville High School. His early inspiration was to fly, which he began at age 16, and he is still an active pilot and aircraft owner. He holds degrees in Aeronautics/Mathematics from Miami University and an MS degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech. Don was an Air Force Officer, and is a Vietnam veteran. He has 30 years of technical and management experience in the aerospace and communications industries following his military career.

Today Don lives in Troy, Ohio. He continues in business development as a private consultant, and devotes his remaining time to various non-profits, charities and educational institutions. He serves on the board as Treasurer of WACO Historical Society (an Aviation Museum and Learning Center) and chairs the Aerospace Occupations Advisory Council for the Upper Valley Career Center vocational school. His presentation will take place at the MOUND SCIENCE AND ENERGY MUSEUM, 1075 Mound Rd. Miamisburg, Ohio, on Wed. February 25, 2015 at 7:00 PM. The lecture is open to the public, with ample parking available. Please see Mound Museum’s web page: for further information.


Mound Science and Energy Museum Association
E-Mail: msem475 at gmail dot com
Phone: 937-353-4457
